Professional Speakers Bureau International

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility."

TOPICS - • Empowerment • Innovation • Leadership
• Management • Motivation • Personal Development
• Professionalism • Responsibility • Training • Workshops


  • Employee Morale
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Introduction to Leadership
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Spiritual /Christian Motivational Workshops: 
     "I Am!" and "The Journey!"

Our instructor was very detailed when explaining our lessons. She was also very upbeat which helped the enthusiasm in the class. She made sure we were involved and understood the process and the reasoning behind it. Great people skills never lost her cool.”

State of Illinois Employee 


Natalie is a Professional Development Career Trainer and Motivational Speaker with a vision and gift to empower and enhance work performance productivity and overall positive attitudes in individuals. Taking her speaking and training talents to the world, Natalie developed “Attitude” The Workshops (1998).
Natalie is known for her dynamic, motivating, informational, educational, and entertaining speaking style providing outstanding programs, seminars, and speaking events. Natalie brings a variety of training topics to the Corporate World and the Christian Community.
Natalie’s strength comes through her unique ability to use her experiences as a Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, and Christian Faith to understand the skills desired to increase performance and productivity. She then designs and delivers her programs in ways that excite and motivate participants to use new skills and change their behaviors. Since the inception of this vision, Natalie has been providing Professional Development Career Training and Motivational Speaking for various companies, organizations, and conferences.

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Voice Over work by Natalie Taylor

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