Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

TOPICS - • Business • Change • Finance • Future • Investments
• Risk Management • Self Improvement • Taking Action
• Values


  • Your Money Archtype: Strengths and Pitfalls
  • Cash Convictions
  • Handling Your Money in a Mindful Way
  • How Money Influences Your Life
  • Ending Financial Stress
  • Your Excuse to Stay Broke
  • Behavioral Finance
  • The De-Motivating Side of Money in Your Company
  • Company Values and Financial Values
  • Net Worth = Self Worth
  • Investing
  • Passive Income


     Let’s start with his teenage years. The were not so very successful, kicked out of school, no education or relevant working experience. This continued until he reached the age of twenty one. Then there was someone that wanted to help. He was offered to go back to school for a year. And so he did. Three years of evening schools later he's got his bachelor degree and later on his MBA. But that’s not the only thing, at the age of twenty one he was no good for anything and at the age of thirty he was the finance director from a company that employed over 400 people. All accomplished in nine years. When he went back to school he realized that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is what got him back on track, his mindset was changed forever. Michael realized that his mindset was one of the most powerful things he had. 
     Michael has been a finance director or business controller for about thirteen years. Then again a turning point in life, he started his own businesses. He developed an online accounting system for self-employed and small business owners. He also established his own accounting and tax office.
The start of his companies didn’t go smoothly. In the beginning he ran it based on common sense. Quickly he realized that he didn’t know anything about having your own business. So he started to attend trainings. One of them was a mindfulness program. That appealed to him, so much that he also became a mindfulness coach. Mindfulness really helped him, because when he was a finance director or business controller he was afraid of losing his job and income, so he experienced money stress. As he became an entrepreneur, his income was cut in half, he adjusted his spending pattern and with the help of mindfulness he had hardly any money stress.
     Now he combined 25 years of experience in finance and his mindfulness expertise from the past four years into Moneyfulness and created a unique program. You will learn to live with money, more money and less stress. His book "Moneyfulness" has been published in the US in 2020.
     At the age of twenty-one, Michael Keet was labeled as “lost for society, no good for nothing”, no education or working experience. Someone gave him the chance to back to school for a year. In no time he reached a bachelor degree level and later on his MBA. At the age of thirty he also was the finance director of a company that employed over 400 people. All accomplished in nine years. Michael realized that his mindset was one of the most powerful things he had. 
     After thirteen years again a turning point in life, he developed online accounting software and set up his own accounting and tax office. He thought he knew it all at the beginning, but realized very soon that he didn’t. Michael started attending a variety of trainings, one of them was mindfulness. 
     He combined his financial and mindfulness expertise into Moneyfulness and created Moneyfulness. His book "Moneyfulness" has been published in the US in 2020.

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🔽  The Below Presentation is in Dutch  🔽

🔽      The Below Interview is in Dutch     🔽


Money causes the most stress for people around the world. Seventy-two percent of all Americans experience stress about their finances and that money stress is not only caused by not having money but is caused by the way people think about money—their convictions and behavior. In the concept of mindfulness, there is no mention of stress reduction about money problems. People can find all kinds of stress relievers regarding depression, burn-out, anxiety, etc. For the first time, Michael Keet presents Moneyfulness® a unique concept that fills this gap in the overall concept of mindfulness. Michael presents the idea that people’s mindset about money and the practical “how to” belong together, walking readers through the seven aiding factors of mindfulness as they apply to money along with the practical steps for how to actually manage money. For those who are ready to end their money stress, Moneyfulness® shows them how to never look at money the same again!

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