Professional Speakers Bureau International
TOPICS - • Balance • Coaching • Happiness • Journalism
• Personal Development • Resilience • Self-Improvement
• Vision • Women's Interests


  • “Fine Isn’t Good Enough: Creating Your Own Definition of an Extraordinary Life.”

The past few years there has been a “movement” encouraging self-care and personal empowerment over our lives, yet many of us continue to feel overwhelmed and unhappy. We spend our precious time and energy creating and enduring situations and experiences that are, “fine.” Things that will supposedly make us happy, but inevitably don’t.

When we stop listening and subscribing to other people’s ideas about who we should be, what our life should look like or what should make us happy, and we give ourselves permission to listen to our own inner voice, we open ourselves up to create something extraordinary - A life in which you get out the same energy as you put in, rather than constantly “overspending” and feeling depleted.

In this keynote, Käri will talk about how after living a life full of “shoulds”, she is now listening to her own inner voice and creating her own best life. One that feels effortless, is full of purpose and sets her soul on fire.


With twenty-two years as a public educator + teacher trainer, Kari is no stranger to speaking in front large & small groups. In fact…. She kinda likes it!

She spent the better part of her adult life enduring, “fine.” When she finally admitted that things weren’t actually fine, and decided she wanted better; Kari crippled herself with excuses. She wore her struggles like badges of honor and convinced herself that because of those struggles she was destined to always just live, “fine.” But, when Kari finally decided to start letting go of those stories, when she no longer let her past define who she is and what she could achieve; life became EXTRAORDINARY!

Selfishly, sharing her stories is therapeutic. But, knowing that she is helping others to overcome their stories to stop enduring, “fine” and start creating a life that lights them up and brings them joy - that’s why she loves to speak.

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