Professional Speakers Bureau International

Professional Speakers Bureau International

The Working Bureau with the Working Speaker for the Working Client!

Nelanthini's Podcast

Screw Society's Expectations -

A Journey to Empowered Living with Nelanthini Rajesan

About the podcast

Nelanthini Rajesan

Speaker/ Engineer/ Mentor

A Canadian-born engineer with a diverse career spanning various industries, Nelanthini, the daughter of refugees, draws on her unique background. Beyond professional success, she emphasizes principles learned from her parents and has impacted hundreds through mentoring and workshops. Despite outward achievements, Nelanthini's wake-up call prompted her to question societal conformity, advocating for authenticity and guiding women to rediscover their true selves amid societal pressures. Her mission is clear: support women in breaking free from societal expectations and embracing their unique identities.

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